Take screenshots of High Lvl monsters and e mail them to me, dbjs100elite@aol.com. include the name and lvl of the monster. Here are a list of the monsters that I want pictures of, it's not a complete
list. TAKE THE PICTURES YOURSELVES! THATS THE POINT! NOT FROM GOOGLE OR WIKI! lol. Send the whole part of the runescape window,
so i can see if the photo is from you. I've taken 2 years of photoshop class, dont try to fool me with doctored photos =]
1. TzTok-Jad LVL 702 (good luck)
2. Kalphite Queen LVL 333
3.Tok Xil LVL 360
4. Yt-mej kot LVL 180
5. Reverant Dragon LVL 135
pictures of any other ones that are legendary are ok too. Just make sure YOU are the photographer. dont get me into copyright
shit. lol
Designed by : DBJS100
Background of main page by Jagex LTD. Source: Runescape.com
although taken by screenshot, it's Jagex's property nonetheless
play fair, don't visit cheat sites! They steal your password!
Gigprod.nl <---- Search my name and rate our site high!
RuneScape Directory <---- another clan directory we're listed on!