The Elites -- A Runescape Clan

Buy RS Accounts
Guest Book -- Sign ME!!!
Hilarious RS Pix
Monster Pictures by Clan Members
Members Quotes
Fun Stuff
Clan Background
Members List
Clan Photo Album


The site is not all the way finished but is getting there. I Just got of groundation so all this week ill be working on the new site. I need someone from the clan who is good with photoshop and has photoshop to make a new logo the height can be any where from 766 length to 500 length, with any height. email me at - Narutogx222



why stay here? go to it!

~The site is still being worked on latley i haven't been on due to school and other issues but im back and proud of it. The clan will have a new logo and soon hope to be i will sell some t-shirts and hats with the clan logo which is going to be awesome! ~Narutogx222~






An "Elite" Comeback

New Site
Narutogx222, leader of our web team, and i, are in the process of designing a new site!

See the new page in progress! Don't worry, i'm getting a domain name soon.

New Forums
Narutogx222 has also designed new forums! Go to to sign up, and to view my comeback speech!

New Ranks
With a newly born clan, new ranks must be assigned! Don't worry, you're not all recruits! I'll do ranking on a case by case basis.

New Members
A recruitment drive will start as soon as the new site is finished, and all of the old members are situated and ranked.




Update from DB...


"Borrowing" wireless internet, managed to get into secured network at home, so should keep it steady.

No wireless reciever for my personal comp, so borrowing girlfriends.

Child was born, Aug 22, 2008, 11:51 pm. Adoption finalized Aug 25 at about 1pm.

Registered for classes at community college, using their internet right now.

Working on getting a credit card, student loans, etc, planning on becoming memb soon.

Should be on rs more often, starting in around 2 weeks.

Waiting on word from narutogx222 about our new site, which is going to be pretty good. More interactive hopefully. Should have a link to this site for all it's information, don't worry i'm not closing it down.

That's jsut about it, I'm hoping everything goes according to plan, if so, expect to see me ALOT more. Hoping to make an extreme clan comeback soon.

Loco e9x should be returning soon.

Thanks for your support.

Elites 4 Life.

Choosing a proper team cape some time soon. Possibly dependent on rank.

Reworking rank systems soon also, possibly rewriting the whole clan list.

Starting to actually like vista, suprisingly.

Once PVP comes out, if you plan on real world item trading, get it done within like 8 hours of its release, so you can snag the cash before they update it and make it stupid.

Clan Pking trips WILL happen. Team cape will be mandatory, and provided. F2p trips will be the primary pking trips.






Clan Diary, 7/25/2008
We played a little thing we called 'find db', although only 4 other people particpated other than myself. It was pretty fun, hiding places included the Blue Moon Inn's 2nd Story, and the Rune Essence  Mine. Tyler 22495 and sftballpro each found me once, while 123456789dig found me twice. Gratz to all! Rutcmom is just a friend who hid with me =P



After being hacked, i realized something. Being a noob sucks. Thank god i've got my account back, but many people are not as fortunate. For that reason, I've started a account selling thing for my clan. The money doesn't pay for the "intellectual property" of jagex, it just pays me for the countless hours i spent finding these accounts. Head over to Buy RS Accounts on the munubar to see what I have in stock at the moment. Since this is primarily for clan members, I'll give all of you a good price. Non clan members add 20%. If you're hacked and i've heard of it, and it's legit, 10% off.
Okay everyone, we need to raise our overall clan rank. We're the ranked 17 in the  lvl 70-99 category (although we accept other lvls, those are our target audience, and the majority of our people)
These ratings are done on (the #1 result you get when you search "runescape clan" on google!) I'll get you guys the link so you can go there, and just rate our site, and our clan. We're number 39 overall, about to fall off the list, so although we're pwning in one category, we're lacking in another. Rate us high!
I would like to officially anounce that i am pushing for "The Elites" to make a clan wars comeback. If your ever on clan chat and some one suggests clan wars, do it! The clan wars of the older clan members were wicked so make sure everyone joins in.
~General Zammi Blade (X gobbo X
to those of you who were wondering, yes zammi is in the clan still, we have worked out the differences, and solved the problem with the other members of the clan.

one of my favorite things in runescape.


      We're growing in size, quite rapidly too! If you have not been added to either the clan members list, or the clan photos list, get ahold of me (dbjs100) so I can get a photo of you, and add your name and picture to the website, so you can show off to your friends =P
For those of you who want to see some pics of my games, hamster, and hobbies, click below
Looking for something? I put all the old news in the Archives Section. Check Navigation.
~~~DBJS100 ~ Rant on runescape ~ Mostly about recent updates~~~
      I suggest reading all of the rules on the updates when you see a new one on the main page, to avoid being a noob who asks everyone why they can only trade 3k. Quite a few people are really against the new updates (since december) and I'm almost positive a few of you reading this are. As of right now, jagex has said that they aren't bringing back pking, no matter how many 'protests' there are. Runescape pkers and pures may have suffered a hit, but just go try bounty hunter and you should get over it quick enough.
     People who made fortunes merchanting (like me) are relatively distraught because of the 3k limit, considering we made money off of others lack of knowledge of prices. Smithers are also probably upset now, since it is officially a waste of money to smith. A rune plate is cheaper than the materials to make it now, by approximately 5 - 10k depending on the price they sell for in exchange!
     Now no matter how angry we may or may not be with jagex, they provide us with a FREE mmorpg which is the BEST f2p game on the internet! Let us not forget all of the new things that have come from jagex in an effort to retain us! F2P is an essential part of runescape. They make a lot of money off of the adverts on the top of your page, probably $5 a month, depending how much you play.
     CB TRAINING TIPS  ~~BY DBJS100             updated section is yellow
  • No matter what you fight, 1 damage = 4 xp
  • The best things to train on are plentiful in number, and low in def.
  • That said, zombies near clan wars are the best for ppl lv 40-70.
  • I suggest all 70+ buy food and train in the stronghold of security on giant spiders (lv 50something) and bring fire runes, law runes, and air runes so you can tele to varrock to pick up food =)
  • To fully heal prayer and hp, train with a friend near clan wars. Join your own clans, and war each other when you are low on hp. Leave the clan war arena immediately (or stay and fight =] )
  • When you leave  you will notice that you're fully healed.
  • If you decide to train on lessers, bring a lobby pot, an axe, and a tinderbox; cook your own food if you don't have any.
  • There are plenty cb lvl calculators (I'll add one to our site eventually) on the internet, so you can see how each skill effects ur cb lvl.



RS screenname
Questions? Comments? Tell anything to me to help me make this site better =)

Designed by : DBJS100
Background of main page by Jagex LTD. Source:
although taken by screenshot, it's Jagex's property nonetheless
play fair, don't visit cheat sites! They steal your password!  <---- Search my name and rate our site high! 

RuneScape Directory <---- another clan directory we're listed on!