The Elites -- A Runescape Clan

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Quotes from some of our members:
"Cant Defeat the undefeatable" 
 -Mike Dasilva
"a man have to do wat a man have to do" 
"The closer to death you are, the more it feels like you are living"
"A wise farmer never milks a bull."
"Any philosophy that can be put 'in a nutshell' belongs there."
"No matter what happens, we will brave through the storm."
"We will stomp out anyone who stands in our way!"
"Warrriors,slash those rangers!Rangers,shoot down the mages!Mages,blast down the warriors!"
"As we walk through the blizzard,we will go along with the
"We will play defensive and attack depending on the situation."
-Thamyq1 & Ruby3939
There's a million people out there who either hate me or dont care about me. There's also about 300 people who care about me. I'll worry about those 300 and all the rest can go jump off a bridge!"
"This clan is for geeks. What sort of cheesy people make comments like this?"
-Zammi Blade
The QP and DB line up perfect on RS
Glace Pker: a qp
Glace Pker: a db
Glace Pker: I am cool =D
WE NEED YOUR QUOTE! Add yours below! It will be posted as soon as i get the chance!

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play fair, don't visit cheat sites! They steal your password!  <---- Search my name and rate our site high! 

RuneScape Directory <---- another clan directory we're listed on!